
Larry – Mar 01, 2021

Scammer’s phone 2244582419

Scammer’s address 2775 Sanders Rd, Northbrook, IL 60062

Scammer’s email [email protected]

Country United States

Type of a scam Employment

Initial means of contact Email

Another employment scam. Offers a job in initial email. No mention of interview. Pay was $700/wk while in training, $1280/wk after training. They were quick to give me forms to fill out and a contract to sign plus they wanted my banking information and refused to pay me by check or on a debit card. The name used was Christian Bradberry. “ALLSTATE INSURANCE” is not the same as Allstate the insurance company. So don’t fall for the scam thinking they are that business. They are not! “He” uses (I knew this person in name only & had never spoken to “him”) a secondary email address of [email protected] as well as [email protected] and a phone # 224.458.2419. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE OUT ANY Banking information, a signature, or your social security # ! I was offered a job as a Staffing Coordinator for the company. He sent me a job description and a questionnaire that he said would serve as my interview. I was told to write a job acceptance letter. I was told I had received the job and was asked to sign an agreement of employment contract. I was also sent information about how I would be paid and more information about my position in the company. I was sent over 80 pages of information and was told to study them because I would have to pass a test to be officially hired on. When I received my first weeks payment I was told part of the money was to go towards a new computer which only I could purchase. I was told to make a cash deposit into a bank account at Chase bank. However the check was a fraudulent check. When I called Allstate’s main office after finding out the truth about the check, I asked if Christian worked for them. They replied saying that used to be an employee but he no longer worked there so if I was receiving emails from him they were indeed fraudulent as well. So they were aware of what this man was doing but they never sent out a warning.

Naomi –

Victim Location 77015

Type of a scam Utility

She was asking about lowering my rates. I did not answer with a yes to questions. She placed me on hold to check rates. Then I starting receiving other calls. When she came back on the line I was answering yes to a drive thru employee. Then she hung up the line after she she hear me say yes. It was perfect timing for her. I do have allstate insurance and they where supposed to call me back with more information. I just felt like she was trying to get me to say yes. I tried calling the number back and it just goes to a voice mail box that is not setup. I’m very concerned about this.

Jenny –

Victim Location 98001

Type of a scam Fake Invoice/Supplier Bill

Received in September 2018 two letters with quotes for home owners insurance. Letter is dated March 21, 2018 printed on bright pink paper and says I requested the quote. Tried calling the number provided twice and both times preparer was in a meeting. Possibly a scam or unfavorable business practice.

Melinda –

Victim Location 53023

Type of a scam Phishing

Caller said they were Allstate asked what my name is so I would say yes to confirm.

Neil –

Victim Location 48150

Type of a scam Phishing

I don’t typically answer unknown phone numbers, but I was expecting a call due an insurance claim in progress. A local phone number called me, and the person said they were from Allstate (which is my insurance company), and asked if I was the homeowner at [my address]. I said yes. They then asked who my insurance company was, and I said Allstate. They then said this was a sales call, and they were putting me on hold for a sales person. This call sounded bizarre, so I hung up.

It sounded an awful lot like the "can you hear me" scam, so I am taking all necessary precautions because I did say "yes".

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